ISBN: 0228104505ISBN: 0228104505Von Shelly Powers erscheint am 07.10.2023 bei "Firefly Books" das 240 Seiten starke Buch "Elvis Remembered: Intimate Interviews From The Elvis International Archives, With The People Who Knew Him Best". Es wird 300 s/w- bzw. Farbfotos enthalten und wird wie folgt angekündigt:

"When Shelly Powers was 7, she told her mother that she'd marry Elvis Presley when she grew up. She did -- though he was an impersonator, a tribute artist she met in Las Vegas.

But over her 12 years living in Vegas, she joined an Elvis fan club. After a few Elvis conventions she met Presley's personal photographer, Ed Bonja, and with him made her first Elvis Interview.

What started as one interview became many more, and with them many more friendships with people in Elvis' circle. Each of the 11 of Elvis' intimates interviewed here has a good story to tell. Each is accompanied by period photographs of Elvis and the friend, movie posters, concert memorabilia, and unusual memories that every fan or Elvis will want to read.

Interviewees include:

  • Ed Bonja Tour manager and official photographer 1970-77
    Cynthia Pepper Co-star in the movie "Kissin' Cousins"
  • Darleen Thompkins Worked with Elvis on "Blue Hawaii" and remained close till his death
  • Patti Perry Met Elvis when she was 17 and only female member of "Memphis Mafia"
  • Myrna Smith Elvis backing singer 1969-77
  • Joe (Diamond Joe) Esposito Lifelong friend, body guard and best man when Elvis married Priscilla
  • Sonny West Lifelong friend of Elvis and bodyguard
  • Jerry Schilling Lifelong friend and managed the Beach Boys, Jerry Lee Lewis and Lisa Marie Presley
  • Larry Geller Spiritual advisor and personal hair stylist. Shaped Elvis' look
  • Jimmy Velvet Friend for 20 years and ran an Elvis memorabilia museum in Memphis.

Packed with remarkable photographs, this will be a memorable fans' resource and enjoyable reading for anyone."

Quelle: FireFlyBooks.Com | ElvisDayByDay.Com


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