ISBN: 1915343224ISBN: 1915343224Für den 05.12.2023 ist das 144 Seiten starke Buch "That'll Be The Day: The Birth Of Rock N' Roll" von "Sona Books" in der Ankündigung und dieses wird mit folgenden Worten beschrieben:

"That 'll Be The Day - The Birth Of Rock N' Roll takes you on a musical journey through the first decade of this extraordinary genre that has influenced popular music to the present day.
The book features the stories of the biggest rock & roll artists such as Elvis, Jerry Lee Lewis, and Chuck Berry through to The Beatles and the Stones and how they influenced fashion film and art to the present day. While Elvis Presley is the genre's undisputed 'King', other seminal figures in the rock and roll movement were key in bringing the new music to the mainstream mass market.

Step forward Fats Domino, Little Richard, Jerry Lee Lewis, Chuck Berry and Buddy Holly - all exceptional talents whose hit songs soundtracked the major rock and roll years, ensuring, as the 1958 Danny and Juniors song put it; 'Rock and roll is here to stay'! Add to the roll call artists including Bill Haley, Ritchie Valens, the Big Bopper and Eddie Cochran. The ground-breaking talents of Elvis and his contemporaries made an incalculable contribution to music, which has inspired generations ever since."

Quelle: SandmanBooks.Com

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