Von Lesley Pilling kommt das belletristische Buch "Take My Hand ..... Take My Whole Life Too" und dieses wird mit folgenden Worten auf facebook angekündigt:

" Is is a simple idea. Fictional journal entries inspired by specific dates and incidents that, as Elvis fans, we all know so well. Some entries are what I have imagined could have been written by Elvis...

Others by fictional individuals who I have placed in familiar scenarios. So join us, take Elvis hand and journey through his life with him, it is quite a ride!"

Quelle: ElvisDayByDay.Com

Elvis Neuigkeiten

Schauspielerin Vera Tschechowa ist totJames Burton in

CD Neuigkeiten

Elvis Presley - On Fire In Toledo: 1956 (CDS - MRS)Elvis - Seventy Three (DCD - Reel Trax)

Vinyl Neuigkeiten

Elvis Presley - On Fire In Toledo: 1956 (EP / CDS - MRS)Elvis Presley - Number One U. S. Singles: 1956 - 1962 (LP - NOE)

Elvis! Elvis! Elvis!

Roadtrip Amerika 2 (2. Staffel / 3. & 4. Folge)Serie: Tatort (2023 - Folge 1252)
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