Das "Reel Trax"-Label kündigt die Doppel-CD "Elvis - Seventy Three" mit den kompletten (so die Ankündigung) Shows vom 07.08. (MS) bzw. 03.09.1973 (CS) aus dem Las Vegas Hilton Hotel an.

Inhalt - CD 1 - 03.09.1973 CS (Ambiance Recording):
See See Rider - I Got A Woman / Amen - Love Me - Steamroller Blues - You Gave Me A Mountain - Trouble

Soundboard Recording:
Rock Medley - Love Me Tender - Fever - What Now My Love - Suspicious Bridge - Bridge Over Troubled Water - Suspicious Minds - Introductions Of Band And Celebrities - My Boy - I Can’t Stop Loving You - An American Trilogy - A Big Hunk O Love - The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face - Mystery Train - Tiger Man - How Great Thou Art (Two Reprises) - Help Me Make It Through The Night - Softly As I Leave You - Can’t Help Falling In Love / Closing Vamp

CD 2 - 07.08.1973 MS (Ambiance Recording):
Also Sprach Zarathustra - See See Rider - I Got A Woman / Amen - Love Me - Steamroller Blues - You Gave Me A Mountain - Trouble - Blue Suede Shoes - Rock Medley - Love Me Tender - Fever - Bridge Over Troubled Water (Two False Starts) - Suspicious Minds - Introductions - My Boy - I Can’t Stop Loving You - An American Trilogy - Release Me - Mystery Train / Tiger Man - Funny How Time Slips Away - Faded Love - Can’t Help Falling In Love / Closing Vamp

Bonus Songs:
Make The World Go Away (08.08.1973 MS) - Tiger Man (11.08.1973 MS) - Crying Time (12.08.1973 MS) - Amazing Grace (14.08.1973 DS) - Something (23.08.1973 DS) - It’s A Matter Of Time (25.08.1973 MS) - Johnny B. Goode (26.08.1973 MS) - My Boy (False Start - 28.08.1973 MS) - Release Me (28.08.1973 MS) - My Boy (28.08.1973 MS) - You Gave Me A Mountain (02.09.1973 DS)

Quelle: ElvisDayByDay.Com

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