ISBN: 9781912969111ISBN: 9781912969111Matt Shepherd veröffentlicht zum 31.03.2020 die Fortsetzung zu seinem 2018 erschienenem Buch "Elvis Presley - Stories Behind The Songs: Volume 1".

Das bei "Redshank Books" verlegte und 240 Seiten starke Buch wird mit folgenden Worten ankgekündigt:
"This second volume begins 60 years ago when Elvis Presley returns from the army, wondering if he still has a career and massive fan base after being away for two years. He needn't have worried himself, the fans lapped up his new and more ambitious recordings. Songs like It's Now or Never, Return to Sender and many more sold in their millions proving the King was back!

Although many of Elvis' countless solid gold hits feature in the book, the author is also keen to explore the lesser-known album tracks including the hugely underrated album Elvis is Back which came out 60 years ago this year (2020).

I hope the reader will look at each song in a different light maybe they will go and play the lesser heard songs and appreciate them in a whole different way after reading the story behind that particular track. If it further builds on the fans' knowledge about Elvis and brings around a bigger appreciation of Presley's music then the book will have achieved its purpose.

Matt Shepherd has presented several shows over the years for BBC Local Radio on Elvis Presley, including more than 50 with his good friend Freddy Zapp on BBC Radio Cornwall. Matt has been an Elvis fan for more than 30 years and has amassed a huge collection of hundreds of records and Elvis information over the years. He has written Elvis related articles for the BBC News website and Elvis publications. His has also interviewed many of Elvis' friends over the last few decades including Jerry Schilling, George Klein, Larry Gellar and the late Joe Esposito"

Quelle: LibriPublishing.Co.Uk

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