Das Set beinhaltet drei Konzerte aus dem Jahre 1974 als Soundboard-Mitschnitte und ist Teil der fortlaufenden "Live On Tour"-Serie.
Inhalt - CD 1 - 27.08.1974 DS:
See See Rider - I Got A Woman / Amen - Love Me - If You Love Me (Let Me Know) - It's Midnight - Big Boss Man - Fever - Love Me Tender - All Shook Up - I'm Leavin' - Softly, As I Leave You - Hound Dog - You Gave Me A Mountain - Polk Salad Annie - Introductions - If You Talk In Your Sleep - Why Me Lord - (Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear / Don't Be Cruel - It's Now Or Never - Hawaiian Wedding Song - Let Me Be There - Can't Help Falling In Love
CD 2 - 29.08.1974 MS:
See See Rider - I Got A Woman / Amen - Love Me - If You Love Me (Let Me Know) - It's Midnight - Big Boss Man - Fever - Love Me Tender - All Shook Up - Until It's Time For You To Go - Softly, As I Leave You - Hound Dog - An American Trilogy - Suspicious Minds - Introductions - If You Talk In Your Sleep - Elvis Talks About Karate - Why Me Lord (Beginning Only) - (Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear / Don't Be Cruel - How Great Thou Art - Let Me Be There - It's Now Or Never - Hawaiian Wedding Song - Can't Help Falling In Love
CD 3 - 30.08.1974 DS:
See See Rider - I Got A Woman / Amen - Love Me - If You Love Me (Let Me Know) - It's Midnight - Big Boss Man - Fever - All Shook Up - Softly, As I Leave You - Hound Dog - An American Trilogy - Introductions - If You Talk In Your Sleep - Elvis Talks About Karate - Until It's Time For You To Go - How Great Thou Art - Let Me Be There (Incomplete) - Hawaiian Wedding Song - Can't Help Falling In Love
My Boy (28.08.1974 DS)
Quelle: UEPS.Be
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Quelle: UEPS.Be
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Inhalt - LP 1 - Seite A:
Bossa Nova Baby (Take 10/M) - The Bullfighter Was A Lady (Take 4 - 6) - You Can’t Say No In Acapulco (Take 4) - Mexico (Take 1 & 2) - El Toro (Take 1) . Vino, Dinero Y Amor (Take 1) - Marguerita (Take 1)
Seite B:
Fun In Acapulco (Take 1/M) - Bossa Nova Baby (Take 1 & 2) - I Think I’m Gonna Like It Here (Take 1) - (There’s) No Room To Rhumba In A Sports Car (Take 1/M) - Mexico (Take 6) - The Bullfighter Was A Lady (Take 11 - 14 - Movie Version) - Guadalajara (Vocal Overdub Take 3 & 4)
LP 2 - Seite C:
You Can’t Say No In Acapulco (Take 5/M) - Vino, Dinero Y Amor (The Amigos - Café Version -Take 1) - I Think I’m Gonna Like It Here (Take 8 & 9) - Marguerita (Take 5 & 6) - Bossa Nova Baby (Take 3) - Bossa Nova Baby (Take 4 & 5) - Bossa Nova Baby (Take 6)
Seite D:
Mexico (Take 7) - The Bullfighter Was A Lady (Take 17/M - Movie Version) - Vino, Dinero Y Amor (Take 2 & 3) - I Think I’m Gonna Like It Here (Spliced Take 18 & 19 Master - Movie Version) - Bossa Nova Baby (Take 7 & 8)
Bonus Songs:
Witchcraft (Take 3/M) - Love Me Tonight (Take 6 - 8/M) - Slowly But Surely (Take 5/M)
Quelle: NowDigThisMagazine.Co.Uk
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Inhalt - CD 1 - The Album - Masters:
How Great Thou Art - In The Garden - Somebody Bigger Than You And I - Farther Along - Stand By Me - Without Him - So High - Where Could I Go But To The Lord - By And By - If The Lord Wasn't Walking By My Side - Run On - Where No One Stands Alone
08.06.1966 - Single:
Love Letters - Come What May
24.10.1966 Spinout - Bonus Songs:
Tomorrow Is A Long Time - Down In The Alley - I'll Remember You
15.11.1966 - Single A-Side:
If Every Day Was Like Christmas
10.01.1967 - Single:
Indescribably Blue - Fools Fall In Love
Unused Recording:
Beyond The Reef (Original Overdubbed Master)
CD 2:
Run On (Take 1 - 2) - Run On (Take 3 - 6) - Run On (Take 7/M) - How Great Thou Art (Take 1 - 2) - How Great Thou Art (Take 3 - 4/M) - Stand By Me (Take 1 - 2) - Stand By Me (Take 3 - 7) - Stand By Me (Take 8 - 10) - Stand By Me (Take 11/M) - Where No One Stands Alone (Take 1) - Where No One Stands Alone (Take 2 - 3) - Where No One Stands Alone (Take 4) - Where No One Stands Alone (Work Parts 1 - 4) - Where No One Stands Alone (Work Part 5) - Where No One Stands Alone (Work Part 6) - Where No One Stands Alone (Splice Of Take 4 & 1/M)
CD 3:
Down In The Alley (Take 1) - Down In The Alley (Take 2 - 6) - Down In The Alley (Take 7 - 9/M) - Tomorrow Is A Long Time (Take 1 - 2) - Tomorrow Is A Long Time (Take 3/M) - Love Letters (Take 1 - 2) - Love Letters (Take 3 - 7) - Love Letters (Take 8) - Love Letters (Take 9/M) - So High (Take 1) - So High (Take 2 - 3) - So High (Take 4/M) - Farther Along (Take 1 - 2) - Farther Along (Splice Of Take 3 And One Line From Take 2/M) - By And By (Take 1 - 4) - By And By (Take 5 - 9) - By And By (Take 10/M)
CD 4:
In The Garden (Take 1 - 3/M) - Beyond The Reef (Take 1 - 2/M - Undubbed Master) - Somebody Bigger Than You And I (Take 1 - 8) - Somebody Bigger Than You And I (Take 9 - 11) - Somebody Bigger Than You And I (Take 12) - Somebody Bigger Than You And I (Take 13 - 15) - Somebody Bigger Than You And I (Take 16) - Somebody Bigger Than You And I (Work Parts 1 - 4) - Somebody Bigger Than You And I (Work Part 5) - Somebody Bigger Than You And I (Work Part 6) - Somebody Bigger Than You And I (Splice Of Take 16 And Work Part 6/M) - Without Him (Take 1) - Without Him (Take 2 - 8) - Without Him (Take 9 - 14) - Without Him (Take 15/M) - If The Lord Wasn't Walking By My Side (Take 1) - If The Lord Wasn't Walking By My Side (Take 2 - 4) - If The Lord Wasn't Walking By My Side (Take 5/M) - If The Lord Wasn't Walking By My Side (Take 6) - Where Could I Go But To The Lord (Take 1 - 2/M)
CD 5:
Come What May (Take 1 - 2) - Come What May (Take 3 - 4) - Come What May (Take 5 - 6) - Come What May (Take 7) - Come What May (Take 8/M) - Fools Fall In Love (Take 1 - 4) - Fools Fall In Love (Take 5/M) - Indescribably Blue (Instrumental Track Take 7 And Work Parts 1 - 2) - I'll Remember You (Instrumental Track Take 17 - 19/M) - If Every Day Was Like Christmas (Instrumental Track Take 8 - 9/M) - Indescribably Blue (Vocal Overdub Take 1 To Instrumental Track 7 And Work Part 1) - Indescribably Blue (Vocal Overdub Take 2 To Instrumental Track 7 And Work Part 1/M) - I'll Remember You (Vocal Overdub Take 1 To Instrumental Track 19) - I'll Remember You (Vocal Overdub Take 2 To Instrumental Track 19) - I'll Remember You (Vocal Overdub Take 3 To Instrumental Track 19) - I'll Remember You (Splice Of Vocal Overdub Take 1 And 3 To Instrumental Track 19 Unedited/M) - If Every Day Was Like Christmas (Vocal Overdub Take 1 - 2/M To Instrumental Track 9 Undubbed/M)
Quelle: NowDigThisMagazine.Co.Uk
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Inhalt - CD 1 - 03.03.1974 ES (Astrodome - Houston, TX):
See See Rider - I Got A Woman / Amen - Love Me - Trying To Get To You - All Shook Up - Love Me Tender - Johnny B. Goode - Hound Dog - Fever - Polk Salad Annie - Why Me, Lord - Suspicious Minds - Introductions - I Can’t Stop Loving You - Help Me - How Great Thou Art - Let Me Be There - Funny How Time Slips Away - Can’t Help Falling In Love - Closing Vamp
CD 2 - 15.06.1974 ES (Tarrant County Convention Center, Fort Worth, TX):
See See Rider - I Got A Woman / Amen - Love Me - Trying To Get To You - All Shook Up - Love Me Tender - Hound Dog - Fever - Polk Salad Annie - Why Me, Lord - Suspicious Minds - Introductions - I Can’t Stop Loving You - Heartbreak Hotel - Help Me - An American Trilogy - Let Me Be There - Funny How Time Slips Away - Big Boss Man - Can’t Help Falling In Love - Closing Vamp
CD 3 - 17.06.1974 (Louisiana State University Assembly Center, Baton Rouge, LA):
See See Rider - I Got A Woman / Amen - Love Me - Trying To Get To You - All Shook Up - Love Me Tender - Hound Dog - Fever - Polk Salad Annie - Why Me, Lord - Suspicious Minds - Introductions - I Can’t Stop Loving You - Help Me - An American Trilogy - Let Me Be There - Funny How Time Slips Away - Big Boss Man - Can’t Help Falling In Love - Closing Vamp
Quelle: NowDigThisMagazine.Co.Uk
Diskutiert diesen Artikel im Forum (347 Antworten).Als nächste Buch-CD-Kombination ist "The Making Of Blue Hawaii" für den Mai 2023 geplant. Das größere Buch "The Movie", welches 378 Seiten stark ist, beinhaltet neu entdeckte Fotos (so die Ankündigung), Details zu gelöschten Szenen, Seiten aus dem Drehbuch, dem Drehplan, Notizen, Verträgen sowie Erinnerungen der Schauspieler bzw. der Crew.
Im zweiten Buch "The Music" werden auf 85 Seiten Fotos, Dokumente und detaillierte Informationen zu den Dreharbeiten, darunter auch Seiten aus einem neu gefundenen Protokoll der Aufnahmesessions präsentiert.
Die 4 CDs enthalten die Soundtrack-Aufnahmen, darunter 50 unveröffentlichte Takes (so die Ankündigung).
Der Ton wurde von den originalen 3-Spur-Bändern neu in Stereo abgemischt und erstmals in der Reihenfolge der Aufnahmen sequenziert. Zu guter Letzt liegt dem Ganzen eine Sammler-Vinyl-Doppel-EP mit Bildhülle bei.
CD 1 - The Masters:
Blue Hawaii - Almost Always True - Aloha Oe - No More - Can’t Help Falling In Love - Rock-A-Hula Baby - Moonlight Swim - Ku-U-I-Po - Ito Eats - Hawaiian Sunset - Beach Boy Blues - Island Of Love - Hawaiian Wedding Song - Steppin’ Out of Line
21.03.1961 - Radio Recorders, Hollywood:
Hawaiian Sunset (AO - Take 1) - Hawaiian Sunset (AO - Take 2) - Hawaiian Sunset (AO - Take 3) - Hawaiian Sunset (AO - Take 4 - Used For Master) - Hawaiian Sunset (AO - Take 5 - 6, 7 - Used For Master) - Hawaiian Sunset (AO - Final Master - Splice Of Take 4 & 7)
CD 2 - 21.03.1961 - Radio Recorders, Hollywood:
Aloha Oe (BO Section 2 - Take 1) - Aloha Oe (BO Section 2 - Take 2) - Aloha Oe (BO Section 2 - Take 3) - Aloha Oe (BO Section 2 - Take 4, 5 - Used For Master) - Aloha Oe (BO Section 2 - Take 6) - Aloha Oe (BO Section 2 - Take 7 - Used For Master) - Aloha Oe (BO 1 - Master - Take 4 & BO 2 - Master - Splice Of Take 7 & 5) - Ku-U-I-Po (CO - Take 1) - Ku-U-I-Po (CO - Take 2, 4, 5) - Ku-U-I-Po (CO - Take 6 - 7) - Ku-U-I-Po (CO - Take 8, 9 - Master) - No More (DO - Take 1 - 2) - No More (DO - Take 4, 5, 7) - No More (DO - Take 8) - No More (DO - Take 9) - No More (DO - Take 10 - 11) - No More (DO - Take 12,13 - Used For Master) - No More (DO-1 - Insert Ending - Take 14 - 16) - No More (DO & DO-1 - Master - Splice Of Take 13 & Ending Take 16) - Slicin’ Sand (EO - Take 1 - 3) - Slicin’ Sand (EO - Take 4) - Slicin’ Sand (EO - Take 5 - 7) - Slicin’ Sand (EO - Take 8 - 9) - Slicin’ Sand (EO - Take 10) - Slicin’ Sand (EO - Take 11 - 12) - Slicin’ Sand (EO - Take 13 - 14) - Slicin’ Sand (EO - Take 15 - 18) - Slicin’ Sand (EO - Take 19 - Master)
CD 3 - 22.03.1961 - Radio Recorders, Hollywood:
Blue Hawaii (FO - Take 1 - 3) - Blue Hawaii (FO - Take 4 - 6) - Blue Hawaii (FO - Take 7 - Master) - Ito Eats (GO - Take 1 - 2) - Ito Eats (GO - Take 3 - 5) - Ito Eats (GO - Take 6 - 8, 9 - Master) - Hawaiian Wedding Song (JO - Take 1) - Hawaiian Wedding Song (JO - Take 2 - Master) - Island Of Love (KO - Take 1 - 4) - Island Of Love (KO - Take 5 - 7) - Island Of Love (KO - Take 8) - Island Of Love (KO - Take 9 - 10) - Island Of Love (KO - Take 11 - 12) - Island Of Love (KO - Take 13 - Master) - Steppin’ Out Of Line (LO - Master Version - Take 1 - 5) - Steppin’ Out Of Line (LO - Master Version - Take 6 - 7, 8 - Master) - Steppin’ Out Of Line (LO - Record Version - Take 9 - 11) - Steppin’ Out Of Line (LO - Record Version - Take 12 - 15) - Steppin’ Out Of Line (LO - Record Version - Take 16, 17 - Master) - Steppin’ Out Of Line (LO - Master Version - Tag - Take 18 - 19) - Steppin’ Out Of Line (LO - Master Version - Master) - Almost Always True (MO - Take 1 - 3) - Almost Always True (MO - Take 4 - 5) - Almost Always True (MO - Take 6 - 7) - Almost Always True (MO - Take 8 - Master)
CD 4 - 22.03.1961 - Radio Recorders, Hollywood:
Moonlight Swim (NO - Take 1 - 2) - Moonlight Swim (NO - Take 3 - Master Without Female Vocals Overdub) - Moonlight Swim (NO - Take 4)
23.03.1961 - Radio Recorders, Hollywood:
Can’t Help Falling In Love (RO - Master Version - Take 1 - 5) - Can’t Help Falling In Love (RO - Master Version - Take 6 - 8) - Can’t Help Falling In Love (RO - Master Version - Take 9) - Can’t Help Falling In Love (RO - Master Version - Take 10 - 12) - Can’t Help Falling In Love (RO - Master Version - Take 13) - Can’t Help Falling In Love (RO - Master Version - Take 14 - 16) - Can’t Help Falling In Love (RO - Master Version - Take 17 - 20) - Can’t Help Falling In Love (RO - Master Version - Take 21 - 22, 23 - Master) - Can’t Help Falling In Love (RO - Master Version - Take 24) - Can’t Help Falling In Love (RO - Master Version - Take 25 - 26) - Can’t Help Falling In Love (RO - Record Version - Take 27 - 29 - Master) - Beach Boy Blues (SO - Record Version - Take 1, 2 - Master - Take 3) - Beach Boy Blues (SO - Master Version - Take 4 - Master) - Rock-A-Hula Baby (TO - Record Version - Take 1 - 3) - Rock-A-Hula Baby (TO - Record Version - Take 4, 5 - Master)
Quelle: ElvisDayByDay.Com | Trackliste: TheElvisShopLondon.Com
Diskutiert diesen Artikel im Forum (161 Antworten).Das Sammler-Label "Follow That Dream" kündigt für Mai 2023 das 3 CDs umfassende Set "Elvis As Recorded At Madison Square Garden" und dieses beinhaltet die beiden Shows vom 10.06.1972.
CD 3 enthält die Original-Pressekonferenz, aufgenommen im New Yorker Hilton am 09.06.1972 und verpackt ist das im s. g. 8'' "Sessions"-Schuber mit einem 20-seitigem Farbbooklet, welches großartige Fotos, Erinnerungsstücke, ein Protokoll der Pressekonferenz und Erinnerungen an den verstorbenen Phil Gelormine enthalten wird.
Inhalt - CD 1 - 10.06.1972 ES:
Also Sprach Zarathustra - That´s All Right - Proud Mary - Never Been To Spain - You Don’t Have To Say You Love Me - You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feelin’ - Polk Salad Annie - Love Me - All Shook Up - Heartbreak Hotel - (Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear / Don’t Be Cruel - Love Me Tender - The Impossible Dream (The Quest) - Introductions - Hound Dog - Suspicious Minds - For The Good Times - An American Trilogy - Funny How Time Slips Away - I Can’t Stop Loving You - Can’t Help Falling In Love - Closing Vamp
CD 2 - 10.06.1972 AS:
Also Sprach Zarathustra - That’s All Right - Proud Mary - Never Been To Spain - You Don’t Have To Say You Love Me - Until It’s Time For You To Go - You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feelin’ - Polk Salad Annie - Love Me - All Shook Up - Heartbreak Hotel - (Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear / Don’t Be Cruel - Love Me Tender - Blue Suede Shoes - Reconsider Baby - Hound Dog - I’ll Remember You - Suspicious Minds - Introductions - For The Good Times - An American Trilogy - Funny How Time Slips Away - I Can’t Stop Loving You - Can’t Help Falling In Love - Closing Vamp
CD 3 - 09.06.1972:
Press Conference (20:31 - Recorded By Pål Granlund)
Quelle: ElvisDayByDay.Com | Trackliste: TheElvisShopLondon.Com
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