Inhalt - Seite A:
Take Good Care Of Her (Rehearsal & Take 1) - Loving Arms (Take 1 & Rehearsal) - I Got A Feelin' in My Body (Take 1) - IF That Isn't Love (Take 1) - She Wears My Ring (Take 8) - I've Got a Thing about You, Baby (Take 1) - My Boy (Take 1)
Seite B:
Talk About The Good Times (Take 3) - Spanish Eyes (Take 1, 2) - Good Time Charlie's Got the Blues (Take 7, 8) - I Got a Feelin' in My Body (Take 4) - I've Got a Thing about You, Baby (Take 14) - My Boy (Take 2) - Take Good Care of Her (Take 4) -
Seite C:
I've Got A Thing About You, Baby (Take 6, 8, 10, 11) - Loving Arms (Take 2) - I Got a Feelin' in My Body (Take 2) - Good Time Charlie's Got The Blues (Take 1, 4, 6) - Take Good Care Of Her (Take 2, 3) - Spanish Eyes (Take 4 (Undubbed Master)
Seite D:
Talk About The Good Times (Take 1, 2) - Talk About The Good Times (Take 4 - Undubbed Master) - She Wears My Rings (Take 1 - 7) - I Got A Feelin' In My Body (Take 7) - My Boy (Take 3 - Undubbed Master) - Good Time Charlie's Got The Blues (Take 9 - Unedited Undubbed Master) - If That Isn't Love (Splice Of Take 5 - LFS & 7)
Quelle: Elvis.Com.Au
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Inhalt - Seite A:
Jailhouse Rock (Original EP) - Young And Beautiful (Original EP) - I Want To Be Free (Original EP) - Don't Leave Me Now (Original EP) - Baby I Don't Care (Original EP) - Treat Me Nice (Original Single) - Jailhouse Rock (Take 5) - Don't Leave Me Now - second version (Take 18) - I Want To Be Free (Take 11) - Treat Me Nice (Splice Of Takes 10 + 13) - Young And Beautiful (Take 19)
Seite B:
Jailhouse Rock (Movie Opening Theme - Take 6 - Stereo) - Treat Me Nice (Movie Version With Overdubs - Stereo) - Jailhouse Rock (Movie Version) - Young And Beautiful (Florita Club Version - Take 7 - Binaural) Baby I Don't Care (Movie Edit - Take 16 + 6 - Binaural) - Don't Leave Me Now (Recording Studio Version 2 - Take 12) - I Want To Be Free (Jail Version - Splice Of Take 10, 12, 13) - Don't Leave Me Now (Second Version - Take 21) - Young And Beautiful (End Title Version - Splice Of Take 8, 12, 18, 22) - Jailhouse Rock (Male Vocal Overdub Version) - Treat Me Nice (Take 19 - Binaural) - Baby I Don't Care (Movie Master - Take 1 - Binaural)
Seite C:
Treat Me Nice (Second Movie Version (Take 1 - 2, 5 - 13 - Binaural) - I Want To Be Free (Jail Version - Take 1 - 2, 4 - 6 - Binaural)
Seite D:
I Want To Be Free (Jail Version - Take 10 - 13) - Young And Beautiful (Record Version - Take 1, 4 - 6, 11, 16, 19, 21 - 22)
Quelle: Elvis.Com
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Nun erscheint im Rahmen dieser Reihe auch die ehemalige CD "Elvis Presley: The Jungle Room Sessions" als eine limitierte Doppel-LP am 26.10.2009.
Inhalt - Seite 1:
Moody Blue (Take 7, 5) - Bitter They Are, Harder They Fall (Take 3 - 5) - She Thinks I Still Care (Take 1, 2) - Pledging My Love (Take 3) - The Last Farewell (Take 2)
Seite 2:
Hurt (Take 3) - Danny Boy (Take 8) - Love Coming Down (Take 3) - Never Again (Take 11) - For The Heart (Take 3) - Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain (Take 2) - I´ll Never Fall In Love Again (Take 5)
Seite 3:
Way Down (Take 2) - It´s Easy For You (Take 1) - Pledging My Love (Unedited Master) - He´ll Have To Go (Rough-Mix Master) - Moody Blue (Take 6) - Solitaire (Take 3)
Seite 4:
Love Coming Down (Take 4) - For The Heart (Take 1) - She Thinks I Still Care (Take 3, 4) - Bitter They Are, Harder They Fall (Take 1) - Hurt (Take 5) - Danny Boy (Take 9) - Fire Down Below (Instrumental) - America (Closing Party Only)
Quelle: Elvis.Com
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Inhalt - LP 1 - Seite A:
Separate Ways - Never Been To Spain - You Gave Me A Mountain - For The Good Times - Fool - The Impossible Dream
Seite B:
Burning Love - Always On My Mind - It's A Matter Of Time - It's Over - It's Impossible - Where Do I Go From Here - An American Trilogy
LP 2 - Seite C:
Always On My Mind (Take 2) - Burning Love (Take 3, 4) - Separate Ways (Take 1 - 5, 11 - 13, 20, 21) - For The Good Times (Take 1 & 2) - Where Do I Go From Here (Take 6)
Seite D:
Fool (Take 1) - It's A Matter Of Time (Take 1 - 4) - Burning Love (Take 2) - For The Good Times (Take 3) - Where Do I Go From Here (Take 7, 8) - Always On My Mind (Take 4)
Quelle: Elvis.Com