RCA 8869702026-6RCA 8869702026-6Am 01.10.2006 erscheint beim Sammler-Label "Follow That Dream" die CD "Let Yourself Go - The Making of Elvis the Comeback Special", welche Outtakes aus dem besagten TV-Special zum Inhalt haben wird.

Inhalt - The Outtakes:
Trouble / Guitar Man (Opening - Take 6 & 7) - Nothingville (Take 5 & 6) - Let Yourself Go (Part 1 - Take 5 & 6 + Part 2 - Take 2 + Part 3 - Take 6) - Guitar Man (Escape Section 1 - Fast Take 1, 2, 5) - Guitar Man (After Karate Section 2 - Take 1) - Trouble / Guitar Man (After Karate Section 3 - Take 2) - Little Egypt (Take 8) - Big Boss Man (Take 2) - It Hurts Me (First Part - Take 5. Second Part - Take 3) - Guitar Man (Escape 1 - Remake Take 6) - Sometimes I Feel Like A Motherless Child / Where Could I Go But To The Lord (Gospel Section 1 - Rehearsal Take 1) - Up Above My Head / I Found That Light (Gospel Section 2 - Take 7) - Saved (Gospel Section 3 - Take 4) - If I Can Dream (Take 3 & 4) - Memories (Alternate Vocal Track)

The Dressing Room Rehearsal:
I Got A Woman - Blue Moon / Young Love / Oh, Happy Day - When It Rains, It Really Pours - Blue Christmas - Are You Lonesome Tonight? / That's My Desire - That's When Your Heartaches Begin - Peter Gunn Theme - Love Me - When My Blue Moon Turns To Gold Again - Blue Christmas / Santa Claus Is Back In Town

Quelle: ElvisWorld-Japan.Com

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