file Double Trouble

09 Aug. 2004 14:40 #883368 von Charles
Double Trouble wurde erstellt von Charles

Am 01.10.2004 erscheint in dem bekannten Format (7´´) der nächste Soundtrack von Elvis.

Double Trouble - Baby - If You’ll Give Me All Of Your Love - Could I Fall In Love - Long Legged Girl - City By Night - Old MacDonald - I Love Only One Girl - There Is So Much World To See - It Won’t Be Long - Never Ending - Blue River - What Now - What Next - Where To - Double Trouble (Take 1) - Baby - If You’ll Give Me All Of Your Love (Take 2) - I Love Only One Girl (Take 1)  - It Won’t Be Long (Takes 1 & 2) - Long Legged Girl (2nd version) (Takes 1 & 2) - Could I Fall In Love (Take 6) (Undubbed master) - There Is So Much World To See (Take 10) - Long Legged Girl (1st. version) (Take 6) - City By Night (Take 3/10) - It Won’t Be Long (Take 5) - Double Trouble (Takes 2 & 3) - Baby - If You’ll Give Me All Of Your Love (Takes 3 & 4) - Could I Fall In Love (Harmony take 1)

Quelle: ElvisUnlimited.Com

Ausführliche Review: Memories Of Elvis" - Nummer 120 (2004)

„Zeit, die man zu verschwenden genießt, ist nicht verschwendet.“ —  John Lennon

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