Elvis ist Nr. 1 der Guinness Hit List

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23 März 2005 01:16 #330696 von Vincent-The-Falcon
Elvis ist Nr. 1 der Guinness Hit List wurde erstellt von Vincent-The-Falcon

Guinness Top 10

1. Elvis Presley

2. Sir Cliff Richard

3. The Shadows

4. Sir Elton John

5. Madonna

6. Diana Ross

7. Michael Jackson

8. Rod Stewart

9. The Beatles

10. David Bowie

The upper section, topped by Elvis Presley with 1,185 weeks in the charts, barely changes each year as it is dominated by artists with big-selling hits from earlier eras.

Elvis' position at the top has been strengthened. Presley's lead was reinforced following the success of his remixed number one 2002 summer hit "A Little Less Conversation". The song, released 25 years after his death, gave him an extra 12 weeks on the chart.

His nearest rival, Sir Cliff Richard, would have to spend another 30 weeks on the chart to close the gap.

The only change in the entire top 20 in the past year has been Status Quo overtaking Stevie Wonder, changing from 14th to 13th place. Oasis have risen from 29 to 21 following hits this year such as The Hindu Times. The Manchester band have now passed the late Lonnie Donegan and 1960s crooner Jim Reeves.

Robbie Williams is at 66, up nine places from the previous year.

And New Order are the only new entry in the entire Top 100 acts of all time, going in at 98.
The band made the list more than 20 years after scoring their first hit.

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