"Elvis - 68 / 69 Sessions" heißt die am 20.10.2021 auf "Paradise Road Records" erscheinende LP mit alternativen Aufnahmen aus dem Fernsehspecial "Elvis" von 1968 und den "American Sound Studio"-Sessions von 1969.

Inhalt - Seite A:
Musicians Warming Up - Trouble - Guitar Man (Take 2 & 3) - Let Yourself Go (Section 2, Take 3) - Let Yourself Go (Section 2, Take 4) - Guitar Man (Section 1 Escape, Take 3 & 4) - Guitar Man (Section 1 Escape, Take 6 - 8) - It Hurts Me (Section 4 Escape, Take 3) - Saved (Take 6) - A Little Less Conversation - If I Can Dream

Seite B:
True Love Travels On A Gravel Road (Take 3) - Power Of My Love (Rehearsal & Take 2) - Only The Strong Survive (Rehearsal & Take 2 & 3) - From A Jack To A King (Take 4) - Only The Strong Survive (Take 6) - Wearin’ That Loved On Look (Take 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 11)

Quelle: ElvisDayByDay.Com

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