ISBN: 9798306672179 (Lt. Backcover)Paul Belard veröffentlicht Volume 1 de Buch-Reihe "Elvis: Okctober 1958" und kündigt dieses wie folgt an:
"After nine days at sea, the USS Randall docked at Bremerhaven, in Germany, on October 1st, 1958. Hordes of fans and reporters waited for its most famous passenger, Elvis Presley.
If he thought his popularity had waned since he was drafted, there is no doubt that this welcome must have been comforted himl. Once on land, Elvis took the train to Friedberg, then reported to Ray Kaserne where he would spend the rest of his military service.
This day was somewhat similar to his induction day in Memphis in March. According to some accounts, 170 reporters and photographers were on duty, following Elvis during his first two days in Germany."
Quelle: ElvisDayByDay.Com