ISBN: 100190094117ISBN: 100190094117Am 28.10.2024 erscheint bei "Oxford University Press" das 384 Seiten starke Buch "Rethinking Elvis" von Mark Duffett einem außerordentlichen Professor für Medien- und Kulturwissenschaften an der "University Of Chester".

Ankündigung des Verlages:
"Decades after his passing, Elvis Presley remains one of popular music's greatest icons. He was among the most successful, influential, socially significant, and controversial performers of the twentieth century, with a celebrity so indelible that every recent American president has negotiated its orbit.

While much of the coverage of Elvis' life concerns his personal history and musical ability, Rethinking Elvis pushes beyond the familiar to address Elvis' branding, historical and geographic reception, heritage, and fan phenomenon. Using Elvis' iconography as a point of departure, popular music scholars and historians contend with issues related to the performer's whiteness, Southern identity, and gender, among others, in turn offering myriad opportunities to pursue new approaches in the emergent field of Elvis studies."

Quelle: Verschiedene

Elvis Neuigkeiten

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CD Neuigkeiten

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Vinyl Neuigkeiten

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Elvis! Elvis! Elvis!

Roadtrip Amerika 2 (2. Staffel / 3. & 4. Folge)Serie: Tatort (2023 - Folge 1252)
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