ISBN: 9798388594365ISBN: 9798388594365Von T. G. Patching kommt das am 06.04.2023 erscheinende Buch "Elvis Presley: Things You Didn't Know Or Had Forgotten" einmal als Hardcover mit 99 Seiten und als Softcover mit 109 Seiten.

Ankündigung des Verlages:'
"Elvis Presley, known as the "King of Rock and Roll," was one of the most influential and popular musicians of the 20th century. His legacy as a cultural icon has been immortalized in numerous biographies, documentaries, and hagiographies that celebrate his life and impact.

This book explores all parts of the Elvis story, from his personal struggles to his great success. It includes many stories and information you won't know, have forgotten, or maybe want to forget.

Included is important information about Elvis's life, music, films and live performances, as well as information not usually included in books about him such as why he didn't make a Christmas film, the highest and lowest notes Elvis sang, his pet chimpanzee Scatter, conspiracy theories, and a lot more."

Quelle: Verschiedene

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