Von Harry Carrigan kommt das 282 Seiten starke Buch "The Elvis Collector: An Introductory Guide To Collecting UK Film Memorabilia 1956 - 1977" und dieses wird wie folgt angekündigt:

"This is the first book on the subject of collectable film memorabilia produced in the U.K. by the film companies to promote the thirty-one scripted films and documentaries that Elvis starred in.

With over 800 images including cinema posters, press and campaign books and front of house stills for each of the films, other memorabilia and a selection of relevant magazines, newspapers and books.

Also, the soundtrack recording sessions, information on production and U.K. releases of each of the films, "For The First Time" - all the U.K. cinema release dates and the first known television screening dates."

Quelle: ElvisDayByDay.Com

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