ISBN: 1411670027ISBN: 1411670027Am 01.01.2006 erschein bei Lulu Press das Buch "In The Kingdom Of Elvis: In The City Of The Prince With No Name".

Ankündigung des Verlages:
"In a distant future, new nations and beliefs have arisen from the ashes of the past. A Kingdom that revolves around the worship of Elvis holds a dark secret. Hadrian, a Coloradan Intelligence Officer, and his beautiful two-headed bodyguard, Mirtha and Meera, go on a quest to stop the Elviites from destroying their world. At the same time a group of mercenaries also seek the ancient weapons.

The Wizard, who must choose between immortality and love • Lara, a female warrior who will decide between her man and a future • Frank Connors, a veteran of too many missions gone bad • Bill Hong, an innocent scientist who has never drawn blood In their way is the Abbot, the Elviite church leader who aspires to be more. And in the skies above, a mysterious Starman who watches them all..."

Quelle: Lulu.Com

Elvis Neuigkeiten

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CD Neuigkeiten

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Vinyl Neuigkeiten

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Elvis! Elvis! Elvis!

Roadtrip Amerika 2 (2. Staffel / 3. & 4. Folge)Serie: Tatort (2023 - Folge 1252)
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