"Elvis Presley - G. I. Blues" heißt eine weitere auf 500 Stück limiterte Box von "Gonzo Records", welche am 01.12.2023 erscheinen soll.

Jede Box enthält ein nummeriertes Zertifikat, eine DVD, vier CDs und Reproduktionen (5 x A3-große Filmplakate, Lobbykarten, ein 24-seitiges japanisches Filmprogramm. 6 x 10 x 8 Zoll große Werbefotos und 11 x A6 große "Produktions"-Standbilder).

Inhalt - CD 1:
G. I. Blues - Wooden Heart - Frankfurt Special - What’s She Really Like? - Tonight Is So Right For Love - Doin’ The Best I Can - Blue Suede Shoes - Didja’ Ever - Big Boots - Shoppin’ Around - Pocketful Of Rainbows - Big Boots (Fast Version) - Tonight Is So Right For Love - Big Boots - Shoppin’ Around - Pocketful Of Rainbows - Frankfurt Special (Version 1) - Tonight Is All Right For Love - Radio Spot 1 (UK) - Radio Spot 2 (UK) - Radio Spot 3 (UK) - Radio Spot 4 (UK) - Radio Spot 1 (Australia ) - Radio Spot 2 (Australia) - Movie Trailer Sound - Movie Trailer Sound

CD 2:
What’s She Really Like? - Tonight Is So Right For Love (Take 1 & 2) - Frankfurt Special (Fast Version, Take 1 - 2) - Wooden Heart (Take 1) - G. I. Blues (Take 1) - Shoppin’ Around (Version 1, Take 1) - Big Boots (Fast Version Take 1 - 2) - Big Boots (Slow Version Take 1) - Pocketful Of Rainbows (Version 1, Take 1 - 2) - Doin’ The Best I Can (Take 1 - 3) - Tonight Is All Right For Love (Take 1) - Didja’ Ever (Take 1) - Blue Suede Shoes (Take 1) - Whistling Blues (Take 1) - What’s She Really Like (Take 1 - 4) - What’s She Really Like (Take 5) - What’s She Really Like (Take 6 - 10) - What’s She Really Like (Take 11) - What’s She Really Like (Take 12, 13) - What’s She Really Like (Take 14 - 16) - What’s She Really Like - What’s She Really Like

CD 3:
Shoppin’ Around (Version 1 - Take 2, 4, 6 - 9) - Shoppin’ Around (Version 1 - Take 10) - Shoppin’ Around (Version 1 - Take 11) - Shoppin’ Around (Instrumental Take 1, 2) - Shoppin’ Around (Instrumental Take 4) - G. I. Blues (Take 8 - 10 Pickup) - G. I. Blues (Take 2, 3, 4) - G. I. Blues (Take 7) - Frankfurt Special (Take 1, 3 - 7) - Frankfurt Special (Take 8) - Frankfurt Special (Take 9 - 12) - Frankfurt Special (Take 13) - Shoppin’ Around (Version 2 - Take 7) - Pocketful Of Rainbows (Version 2 - Take 1) - Pocketful Of Rainbows (Version 2 - Take 2) - Pocketful Of Rainbows (Take 3) - Pocketful Of Rainbows (Take 4 - 6) - Pocketful Of Rainbows (Take 7) - Pocketful Of Rainbows (Take 8) - Pocketful Of Rainbows (Take 9) - Pocketful Of Rainbows (Take 10) - Pocketful Of Rainbows (Take 11, 12) - Pocketful Of Rainbows (Take 13, 14)

CD 4:
Pocketful Of Rainbows (Take 20) - Pocketful Of Rainbows (Take 21, 23, 24) - Pocketful Of Rainbows (Take 25, 26) - Pocketful Of Rainbows (Take 28) - Pocketful Of Rainbows (Version 2 Take 1) - Pocketful Of Rainbows (Version 2 Take 2) - Pocketful Of Rainbows (Take 17) - Pocketful Of Rainbows (Take 18, 19) - Shoppin’ Around (Version 2 – Take 1 - 3, 6) - Shoppin’ Around (Version 2 – Take 7) - Tonight is So Right For Love (Take 4) - Tonight Is So Right For Love (Take 4) - Tonight Is So Right For Love (Take 4) - Big Boots (Mid Tempo Take 2) - Big Boots (Slow 2nd Version – Take 1 - 5) - Big Boots (Slow 2nd Version - Take 6) - Big Boots (Slow 2nd Version / Insert - Take 1 - 4) - Wooden Heart (Take 2, 3 & 4) - Tonight’s All Right For Love (Take 1) - Tonight’s All Right For Love (Take 5a) - Tonight’s All Right For Love (Take 5b) - Tonight’s All Right For Love (Take 6) - Tonight’s All Right For Love (Take 8) - Tonight’s All Right For Love (Take 9) - Tonight’s All Right For Love (Take 10, 11) - Tonight’s All Right For Love (Take 12, 16) - Tonight’s All Right For Love (Insert - Take 1, 2) - Tonight’s All Right For Love (Instrumental – Take 1 - 3) - Tonight’s All Right For Love (Instrumental - Take 4) - Tonight’s All Right For Love (Instrumental - Take 5)

Quelle: ElvisDayByDay.Com

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