V002V002Auf rotem Vinyl veröffentlicht das Label "Elvis One" die Doppel-CD "70... 72... 73... Fragments - The Rehearsal Tapes" in limitierter Auflage auf rotem Vinyl.

Inhalt - Seite A:
Big Hunk O’ Love - I’m Leaving It All Up To You - Faded Love - Oh Happy Day (Ending Only) - (Now And Then There’s) A Fool Such As I - Froggy Went A-Courtin’ (Unedited) - Such A Night - Johnny B. Goode - The Lord’s Prayer (Unedited) - Burning Love (Ending Only) / I’ve Got To Go - Blueberry Hill

Seite B:
I’ve Got To Go - Portrait Of My Love - “Roll Out The Barrel” - Something - Blue Suede Shoes - Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On - Polk Salad Annie (#1 - Unedited) - I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry - Burning Love - Talking / Oh Happy Day (One Line)

Quelle: Elvis-Collectors.Com

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