John Townson und Gordon Minto kündigen für den Sommer 2024 das 228seitige Buch "Elvis UK 78 r.p.m.: The Ultimate Guide To Elvis Presley’s British 78s 1956 - 1960" an und dieses wird wie folgt beworben:
"This soft-backed, newly-written, 228-page book, follows on from our highly successful previous publications in the 'Elvis UK' series, each of them acclaimed and much sought-after by collectors, and provides the ultimate guide to Elvis’s 78rpm releases issued in the U.K. between 1956-1960.
This new volume re-examines in scrupulous detail - and extends considerably - information relating to 78rpm releases included in our original book 'Elvis UK', published in 1987.
It includes a history of both the HMV and RCA releases, and alsoprovides a context for the 1950s pop scene. The book details the history of 78rpm releases in the U.K. generally, their popularityand importance as well as chronicling their subsequent (and rapid) fall from favor.
The boom discusses each 78rpm release individually, offering a detailed and forensic commentary on every release, while the extensive text is amply illustrated with scans of every known label and sleeve variation, relevant photographs, and scans of contemporaneous newspaper and magazine articles and adverts. It is extensively illustrated in full colour throughout, including a variety of images of Elvis himself and much more. "
Quelle: ElvisDayByDay.Com
Diskutiert diesen Artikel im Forum (1 Antworten).In einer überarbeiteten Version veröffentlich Shirley Dieu ihr 2012er Buch "Memphis Mafia Princess: Living In The Elvis World" am 15.08.2024 in einer limitierten "10th Anniversary Edition" mit leicht verändertem Cover.
Quelle: ElvisDayByDay.Com
Von Miguel Conner stammt das 288 Seiten starke Buch "The Occult Elvis: The Mystical And Magical Life Of The King", welches bei "Destiny Books" verlegt wird und am 08.04.2025 erscheinen soll.
Ankündigung des Verlages:
"Elvis Presley, the most successful solo artist in history and an emblematic cultural figure of the Western world, has been widely perceived as a conservative Southerner. However, the truth about the man has been missed.
Writer and researcher Miguel Conner reveals how Elvis was a profound mystic, occultist, and shaman. Beginning with the unusual circumstances of his birth—including his stillborn twin brother, Jesse—Conner traces the diverse thread of mysticism that runs through Elvis Presley’s life, drawing on firsthand accounts from the people closest to him, including his wife, Priscilla, friends and family, the Memphis Mafia, and his spiritual advisors. He reveals how Elvis was a student of seminal nineteenth- and twentieth-century occultists, including H. P. Blavatsky, Manly P. Hall, G. I. Gurdjieff, and P. D. Ouspensky, as well as a devotee of Indian yogi Paramahansa Yogananda. He argues that Elvis was well-versed in esoteric practices including sex magic, meditation, astrology, and numerology and had a deep familiarity with Kabbalah, Gnosticism, Theosophy, and Eastern traditions. Conner also reveals how Elvis was a natural healer, telekinetic, psychic, and astral traveler who had significant mystical experiences and UFO encounters.
Looking at the conspiratorial and paranormal aspects of Elvis’s life, the author explores the “Elvis visitations” that have occurred since Presley’s ostensible death and the general high weirdness of Elvis’s life. As Conner convincingly argues, Elvis was not just a one-of-a-kind rock-and-roller. He was the greatest magician America ever produced and a key player in transforming Western culture forever."
Quelle: SimonAndSchuster.Com
"Elvis E Eu" heisst das beim "Rocco"-Verlag am 26.07.2024 erscheinende und 288 Seiten starke Buch von Priscilla Presley und Sandra Harmon.
Ankündigung des Verlages:
"Como toda adolescente americana do final dos anos 1950, Priscilla Beaulieu era fã de Elvis Presley. Aos catorze anos, quando morava na Alemanha, conheceu seu ídolo enquanto o cantor servia ao exército dos Estados Unidos naquele país, e viveu o que parecia ser um inesperado conto de fadas.
Essa história de amor, contada neste livro pela própria Priscilla, é um relato emocionante e verdadeiro de sua vida com um dos ídolos musicais mais famosos de todos os tempos, na qual revela também o quanto o sucesso afetou a personalidade do talentoso e charmoso astro do rock. Assediado pela imprensa, disputado pelas mulheres, obrigado a enfrentar o ritmo frenético do show business, o homem que em um primeiro momento se mostrou simpático e generoso diante da jovem Priscilla não tardou a ser consumido por decepções e ciúmes, rapidamente se transformando numa pessoa insegura, angustiada, sujeita a crises profissionais e pessoais. Envolvida numa relação de dependência, a jovem — que se moldara ao gosto de seu ídolo transformado em marido e que nele concentrara toda sua dedicação — teve que lutar muito para buscar o equilíbrio entre o amor, a devoção e a própria vida. Acontecimentos pessoais e o lado oculto do grande astro são descritos sem meias palavras em um depoimento sincero, saudoso e emocionado. Priscilla Beaulieu Presley nos mostra a face secreta de Elvis e os bastidores do mundo artístico, tanto no estrondoso sucesso inicial quanto no declínio da carreira do Rei do Rock. "Um livro triste, doce... Fascinante."
Quelle: DescontoAqui.Com.Br | ElvisDayByDay.Com
"L`Imprevu" veröffentlicht am 31.10.2024 das 192 Seiten starke Buch "Elvis - La Legende" von Gillian Gaar und wird wie folgt angekündigt:
"This beautiful reference book, produced and illustrated from official archives from Graceland, is a testimony as rare as it is precious.
From his childhood in Mississippi to the end of his life in Memphis, we discover the different chapters of the short and intense existence of a man who marked the history of rock, like that of America and the world. entire.
Behind the devastating smile, the singular and melodious voice, it is not easy to say who Elvis was, there are so many facets of the “King”. Those who crossed his path continue to cherish their memories, which they recount here. Some people knew him as a member of their family; others remember the shy child who brought his guitar to school; many have benefited from his generosity.
“Shy and persistent” were the words most often used to describe Elvis Presley. It was in the early 1950s that his legendary patience was rewarded when, after hours of rehearsal, he suddenly felt a new freedom and without warning began "That's All Right, Mama". Guitarist Scotty Moore and bassist Bill Black then followed suit. From then on, Rock and Roll will never be the same!"
Quelle: | ElvisDayByDay.Com
138 Seiten stark ist das Buch "Jumpsuits - Os Macacões De Elvis" von Waldenir Cecon, welches wohl dieser Tage erschienen ist.
"Elvis Presley se destacou no campo da música com seu taleto indiscutível. Mesmo quem nunca ouviu uma música de Elvis, com certeza consegue identificar o cantor por duas de suas peculariedades: suas costelas e seus macacões de gola alta.
Se você é um fã do rei, esse livro aborta as Jumpsuits (macações). Foram mais de 80 modelos de macacões usados por Elvis entre 1969 e 1977. Todos eles estão aqui retratados, com fotos e dados de quando foram usados e curiosidades...
Se você por acaso comprou o volume 1 publicado há algum tempo, este livro é uma versão completa sobre o assunto. Inclui o material do volume 1 e o restante inédito, com um novo design e atualizações..."
Quelle: produta.MercadoLivre.Com.Br | ElvisDayByDay.Com
Vom brasilianischen Autor Waldenir Cecon kommt das 164 Seiten starke Buch "Elvis 1956" und dieses wird mit folgenden Worten angekündigt:
"O ano de 1956 com certeza é o mais rico em acontecimentos na carreira de Elvis, quando de fato, ele despontou ao estrelato da música.
Com uma nova gravadora e um novo empresário, o ano de 1956 parece que quase faltou dias nele de tantas atividades na vida de Elvis.
A ideia do livro, é contar como foi esse ano magnifico em fotos acompanhadas de pequenos textos para ilustrar o fato. São mais de 260 belas fotos disponíveis, num formato diferenciado e em papel Pólen (amarelado), dando um charme especial ao livro."
Quelle: ClubDe Autores.Com.Br | ElvisDayByDay.Com