Ähnlich wie das 3 CDs umfassende Set "Elvis: The Viva Las Vegas Sessions" kündigt das Sammler-Label "Follow That Dream" für den 11.03.2019 ein "Fun In Acapulco"-Set an. Es enthält bisher unveröffentlichte Fehlstarts, Abbrüche bzw. komplette Takes.

Alle Tracks wurden kürzlich neu gemischt und von den originalen 3-Spur-Session-Bändern gemastert. Der Schuber repliziert die von RCA Victor gelagerte Session-Box und ein 28seitiges Booklet enthält seltene Fotos, Erinnerungsstücke, Sitzungsdaten, Movie Trivia und einen aktualisierten Überblick über den Film.

Inhalt - CD 1 - The Original Album:
Fun In Acapulco - Vino, Dinero Y Amor - Mexico - El Toro - Marguerita - The Bullfighter Was A Lady - (There’s) No Room To Rhumba In A Sports Car - I Think I’m Gonna Like It Here - Bossa Nova, Baby - You Can’t Say No In Acapulco - Guadalajara

Bonus Songs:
Love Me Tonight - Slowly But Surely

Bossa Nova, Baby (Take 1 - 2) - Bossa Nova, Baby (Take 3) - Bossa Nova, Baby (Take 4 - 5) - Bossa Nova, Baby (Take 6) - Bossa Nova, Baby (Take 7 - 8) - Bossa Nova, Baby (Take 9) - Bossa Nova, Baby (Take 10 & 11/M) - I Think I’m Gonna Like It Here (Take 1) - I Think I’m Gonna Like It Here (Take 2 - 5) - I Think I’m Gonna Like It Here (Take 6 - 7) - I Think I’m Gonna Like It Here (Take 8 - 9) - I Think I’m Gonna Like It Here (Splice Of Take 10 And One Line From Take 7/M - Record Version) - Mexico (Take 1 - 2) - Mexico (Take 3 - 4) - Mexico (Take 5/M)

CD 2 - Outtakes:
Mexico (Take 6) - Mexico (Take 7 / Alternate Master) - Mexico (Instrumental - Take 1 - 2 & 3/M) - The Bullfighter Was A Lady (Take 1 - 3) - The Bullfighter Was A Lady (Take 4 - 6) - The Bullfighter Was A Lady (Take 7) - The Bullfighter Was A Lady (Take 8 - 9) - The Bullfighter Was A Lady (Splice Of Take 9 & 7/M - Record Version) - Marguerita (Take 1) - Marguerita (Take 2 - 6) - Marguerita (Take 7 & 8/M) - Vino, Dinero Y Amor (Take 1) - Vino, Dinero Y Amor (Take 2 - 3) - Vino, Dinero Y Amor (Take 4) - Vino, Dinero Y Amor (Take 5/M) - Vino, Dinero Y Amor (The Amigos - Cafe Version - Take 1) - Vino, Dinero Y Amor (The Amigos - Cafe Version - Take 2) - Vino, Dinero Y Amor (The Amigos - Cafe Version - Take 3) - Vino, Dinero Y Amor (The Amigos - Cafe Version - Take 4/M) - Vino, Dinero Y Amor (The Amigos - Boat Version - Take 1 - 2 & 3/M) - (There’s) No Room To Rhumba In A Sports Car (Take 1/M) - Fun In Acapulco (Take 1/M) - El Toro (Take 1) - El Toro (Take 2) - El Toro (Splice Of Take 2 & 1/M) - I Think I’m Gonna Like It Here (Take 11 - 13) - I Think I’m Gonna Like It Here (Take 14 - 15) - I Think I’m Gonna Like It Here (Take 16 - 18) - I Think I’m Gonna Like It Here (Take 19)

CD 3 - Outtakes:
I Think I’m Gonna Like It Here (Splice Of Take 19 & 18/M - Movie Version) - The Bullfighter Was A Lady (Take 10) - The Bullfighter Was A Lady (Take 11 - 14) - The Bullfighter Was A Lady (Take 15 - 16) - The Bullfighter Was A Lady (Take 17/M - Movie Version) - Malaguena (Track, Take 1) - Malaguena (Track, Take 2 - 10) - Malaguena (Track,  Splice Of Take 6 & 10/M) - You Can’t Say No In Acapulco (Take 1 - 4) - You Can’t Say No In Acapulco (Take 5/M) - Guadalajara (Track, Take 1 - 2) - Guadalajara (Track, Take 3 - 4) - Guadalajara (Track, Take 5) - Guadalajara (Track, Take 6 - 7) - Guadalajara (Track, Splice Of Take 1, 5 & 7/M) - Guadalajara (V.O. Take 1 - 2) - Guadalajara (V.O. Take 3 - 4) - Guadalajara (V.O. Take 5 - 6) - Guadalajara (V.O. Take 7 - 10) - Guadalajara (V.O. Splice Of Take 6 & 2/M)

Quelle: ElvisCollectors.Com

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