Elvis - International Earthquake (MR 2022-2)Dieser Tage soll auf dem Memory Label ein Publikumsmitschnitt der Dinner Show vom 05.02.1970 veröffentlicht werden.
möglicher Inhalt:
Opening Theme - All Shook Up - I Got a Woman - Dialogue - Proud Mary - Don't Cry Daddy - Teddy Bear - Love Me - See See Rider - Let It Be Me - I Can't Stop Loving You - Love Me Tender - Dialogue - In the Ghetto - Sweet Caroline - Polk Salad Annie - Introductions - Suspicious Minds - Can't Help Falling In Love
Quelle: Email
Diskutiert diesen Artikel im Forum (0 Antworten).Eternal Flame (Lone Star 789)Jetzt wurde dieser Soundboardmitschnitt vom 20.10.1976 in der Notre Dame Athletic And Convention Center South Bend Indiana auf dem Label Lone Star veröffentlicht.
Thema: 2001- See See Rider - I Got A Woman / Amen - Love Me - If You Love Me Let Me know - You Gave Me A Mountain -Jailhouse Rock - Help Me- All Shook Up - Teddy Bear / Don't Be Cruel - And I Love You So - Fever - Steamroller Blues -Band Introductions - Early Morning Rain - What' d I Say - Johnny B. Goode - Drums solo - Bass solo - Piano solo - Love Letters - School Day - Hurt (with reprise) - Hound Dog - Funny How Time Slips Away - Little Darlin' - Can't Help Falling In Love - Closing Vamp
Quelle: Email
Diskutiert diesen Artikel im Forum (0 Antworten).CWP 06Diese CD wurde nun doch nicht gestrichen, sondern die CD "Movin' Mobile - June 2nd, 1975 Matinee Show" erscheint nun nicht...
Kurz nochmal zum Inhalt: Es wird wohl ein Soundboard-Mitschnitt vom 08.06.1975 (8:30pm) aus Jackson, Mississippi veröffentlicht.
Also Sprach Zarathustra (10.06.1975 Memphis) - See See Rider (10.06.1975 Memphis) - I Got A Woman / Amen (10.06.1975 Memphis) - Love Me - If You Love Me (Let Me Know) - Love Me Tender - All Shook Up - Teddy Bear / Don't Be Cruel - Hound Dog - The Wonder Of You - Polk Salad Annie - Introductions - Johnny B. Goode - Hail! Hail! Rock'n Roll - T-R-O-U-B-L-E - Why Me Lord - How Great Thou Art (Incomplete) - Let Me Be There - American Trilogy - Little Darlin' - Mystery Train / Tiger Man - Funny How Time Slips Away - Can't Help Falling In Love - Closing Vamp
Quelle: SolidGoldElvis.Com
Diskutiert diesen Artikel im Forum (7 Antworten).Auf dem Label "Sound Stream" soll nun dieses legendäre Silvesterkonzert vom 31.12.1976 in Soundboard-Qualität veröffentlicht werden.
Wollen wir hoffen, dass es zu dieser Veröffentlichung kommt und nicht doch in die Gerüchteküche gehört...
Quelle: SolidGoldElvis.Com
Diskutiert diesen Artikel im Forum (0 Antworten).Auf dem Memphis Label erscheint diese CD mit dem Konzert vom 30.04.1977 in St. Paul.
Opening Theme - See See Rider - I Got A Woman / Amen - Rip It Up - Love Me - If You Love Me Let Me Know - You Gave Me A Mountain - Jailhouse Rock - O Sole Mio - It's Now Or Never - My Way - Hound Dog - My Heavenly Father - Polk Salad Annie - Introductions - Early Morning Rain - James Burton Solo - Ronnie Tutt Solo - Jerry Scheff Solo - Tony Brown Solo - Bobby Ogden Solo - The Wonder Of You - Blue Suede Shoes - Hawaiian Wedding Song - Can't Help Falling In Love - Clossin Riff
You Don't Know Me (14.08.1970 Las Vegas) - Crying In The Chapel (19.08.1975 Las Vegas) - Loving You (05.05.1976 Atlanta) - Memphis Tennessee (05.05.1976 Atlanta) - Shake A Hand (05.05.1976 Atlanta) - You'll Never Walk Alone (19.06.1975 Uniondale) - Wooden Heart (12.12.1976 Las Vegas) - Such A Night (12.12.1976 Las Vegas)
Quelle: MemphisSounds
Diskutiert diesen Artikel im Forum (0 Antworten).Night Rider '61 (FG 2333)Im dänischen Fanclub-Magazin "ElvisNews" wird diese neue CD erwähnt. Es sollen auf ihr Ausschnitte aus zwei Sessions im Oktober 1961 enthalten sein.
So sollen Titel wie "For The Millionth And The Last Time"mit 12 Takes, "Good Luck Charm" mit 4 Takes, "Anything That's Part Of You" mit 10 Takes, "I Met Her Today" mit 18 Takes und "Night Rider" mit 3 Takes vertreten sein.
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Ankündigung von Bear-Family:
It was at the end of last year that I had an idea for a book which would showcase Elvis Presley and his love for The United States of America, appropriately titled Elvis, America The Beautiful. My intent was to also make it a fitting tribute to BMG/RCA Records for all the hard work they have done to preserve the music of Elvis Aron Presley for all ages to enjoy for many years.
The main participants in the Elvis Presley catalog restoration program include, among others, Senior V.P. of Marketing and Executive Producer, Michael Omansky, Producers Roger Semon and Ernst Jorgensen, and from RCA Special Products, Director of National Sales, Larry Pukel. It is this team that has worked so diligently to give the fans many great general releases along with their own collectors label titled Follow That Dream. It is our hope that this work will continue.
As I look through this book and see Elvis in some patriotic situations for the country he loved, or for the movie camera, a live concert, or in his personal life I realize the tremen-dous partnership that was formed in the early days between Elvis, the Colonel, and RCA. That commitment continues today with BMG/RCA, and we are grateful.
Elvis Aron Presley was America personified, his life contained hopes, dreams, tragedy, and in the end, redemption. These are things all Americans have experienced in one way or another, but Elvis was our most tangible example.
Elvis' life is most probably well known to all readers, but we all have a different perception of him. The critics of the time were rarely kind or insightful, but true greatness is never appreciated in its lifetime. What we all can agree on is that Elvis Presley loved his country as much as he reflected it. Think of a rock star of modern times. Would any'go willingly into the Army at the height of their career? Elvis did do this, and excelled at his duty. He was, when drafted in 1958, seen as anti-establishment. When Elvis came back in 1960, those in power gradually treated him more kindly. That by 1970 Elvis was a certified DEA agent appointed by President Nixon shows how much all walks of life came to embrace Elvis. Elvis took this appointment seriously and did his best to help our country.
In January, 1972, Elvis added An American Trilogy to his live shows. It was a song which acted as an effort towards harmony between the South and the North. Elvis, a man without prejudice, wanted all people to feel included in his vision of our country.
Elvis Presley visited nearly every state in the union during his career. From Hawaii to Florida, Elvis was there in style. From 1954 to 1977, Elvis' movies, recording work, television appearances -- and most vitally -- concerts, saw Elvis travel all over North America. Everywhere he went he brought fun and solid entertainment to the people of the nation. Reflect for a moment on any one of these photos of Elvis, and you will see not only his joy of life, but also the joy he brought others. America is a country of freedom, and Elvis gave many, including myself, the freedom to expregs themselves with honesty. Music is healing; it's what keeps our dreams thriving. Elvis once said he liked pure entertainment without a message, but his honest artistic expression let most know of his true feelings about many issues. Patrio-tism was always an important element of this expression.
When Elvis added America The Beautiful to his shows during our bicentennial in 1976, he evoked in words what he had been saying in his work for over 20 years -- that America was beautiful. In this book Joseph Tunzi shows us the beauty of our country through pictures of one of its most famous citizens --Elvis Aron Presley. Mike Eder"
Inhalt - CD:
America The Beautiful (06.12.1975 LV) - If I Can Dream (23.06.1968) - An American Trilogy (10.06.1972 AS - Madison Square Garden) - Goin´ Home - Stay Away
Quelle: Bear-Family.De
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